Our Story
The story of Wishflour Bakery spans more than 13 years. Owner and dessert designer Marcey Mertens has been baking her entire life. From chocolate cake made in the kitchen with her mom as a child to first-day-of-school cookies for her own kids, wedding desserts for her niece to special celebration treats for her friends and family — all this time, over and over and over, she heard,
"You should open a bakery!"
In 2006, after going for a walk, the early ideas of Wishflour Bakery and our signature dandelion logo were conceived. The vision was simple: Stop, look around, enjoy the journey and then the dandelion...
Personal Journal Excerpt, 2006:
Have you ever noticed a dandelion? Most would consider it a weed, but if you have the heart of a child, it is a precious cheerful flower. They make great bouquets for moms, and then they turn into magic white puffs. I've always told my children they were "wishflowers." You make a wish and blow! It's fun to see their faces light up with wonder. But there's more to the story: It's about the life lessons the dandelion can teach us all. When a child blows a bubble, they laugh, run around, chase them and try to pop them. Bubbles are kind of like life. We have dreams. We get busy. We run around ... but then our bubbles get popped by the challenges and difficulties of our lives. Or, sometimes out of fear, we pop our own bubbles. The simple dandelion — bright, sunny and happy — is determined. It perseveres with its deep roots. It can grow in the smallest pinch of soil or even the tiniest crack in a sidewalk. It takes a lot to get rid of them, and sometimes, you can't! They are that determined. Then they produce that beautiful puffy ball, and then there's magic. You blow; make a wish. The parasol seeds scatter in the breeze. You marvel as they float into the distance. You dream! The seeds go out into the world and give wings to your dreams.
While baking is what we love to do, Wishflour Bakery is so much more. It's a dream that didn't wither or give up with life's challenges and difficulties or even the passing of time. It grew stronger and stronger as our roots grew deeper and deeper over these last 13 years. The biggest blessing of our story is that we didn't get to this place alone. We are profoundly grateful for the community of extraordinary people that have loved this dream into reality as much as we have. Our story is your story. Dream big. Inspire others. Never give up. Enjoy the journey — with lots of love, passion, determination and a little sugar, butter and flour —
it's never too late to do something sweet.

Meet Marcey
Hi! I'm Marcey!
So fun to get to meet and make yummy things for you! I have been baking for what feels like my entire life. I started baking chocolate cake from scratch when I was a girl in Kearney, Missouri, with the help of my mom. When I was 18, I came to this big little city that I have called home for more than35 years. I received my degree in interior design from Mizzou. I have 2 amazing grown children and so many friends and family that make my life feel so blessed.
My adventures here have included so many opportunities and amazing people along the way, for sure too many to list. If you ask, I would be happy to have coffee and share more about the crazy thread of life that has led me to this point. There is no doubt it has been divinely directed from the smallest of details to the biggest of moments.
Besides finding and experimenting with new desserts and flavors, one of my favorite things to do is to encourage people to live their best inspired life.
Don't settle. Challenge yourself.
Get big wings and do cool stuff!
We have two amazing kiddos that are doing what they love to do. Our daughter is living in Chicago pursuing theater, and our son is in Springfield as a Division II swim coach. In encouraging them to do what they love, it came time to do what I have always loved: bake!
So here we are, Wishflour Bakery! I am so excited to meet you, make some memories and share some sugar, butter and flour ... and hopefully some encouragement that it's never too late to do something sweet!